Lindfield Arts Festival / Opportunities / Sun 05 May 2013
Call for Volunteers!

Now in its fourth year, the Lindfield Arts Festival creates a vibrant and dynamic platform for artists,
crafts people and performers to showcase their work. Held over the weekend of the 10th, 11th and
12th May the countdown has begun and our programme grows every day with new innovative ideas,
shows and performances all exploring this year’s theme of *Imagination, Fantasy and Fairytales*.
We are now looking for an enthusiastic team of volunteers to help us deliver this exciting project.
Volunteering with Lindfield Arts festival is a brilliant opportunity to:
· Support an established community project; with a national reach- perhaps we are right on your door step and you know us well? Or perhaps we are not but you want to find out what happens over this way?
· Gain some hands on experience, see behind the scenes of running the large scale eventfrom
waitressing as part of the Food & Frivolity festival, to assisting with the set up and get out the LARGE scale project on the Common hosting Dance events, to stewarding and organising performers in the streets.
· And if that doesn’t rock your boat- it’s a fabulous place to meet a whole host of new friendly faces.
We are looking for those over 16 who would like to get involved. Whether your arty or not, passionate about your community, perhaps know someone performing or just fancy trying something different we would love to hear from you.
You will be required to lend a hand on Friday 10th May, Saturday 11th May and Sunday 12th May.
Whether you can do one day or the whole weekend Get Involved!
Drop us an email for more information or with any questions you might have to:
If you think you can pull off a fluorescent jacket (or have a soft spot for one) we have a role for you!
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
For more information visit http://www.lindfieldartsfestival.com/
Opportunity Location
Lindfield, West Sussex
Near Haywards Heath
Email: enquiries@lindfieldartsfestival.com
Website: http://www.lindfieldartsfestival.com/