Linda Foster / Opportunities / Sun 31 May 2015
Creative Employment Programme

The Creative Employment Programme is a £15million fund to support the creation of traineeships, formal Apprenticeship and paid internship opportunities for young unemployed people 16-24 wishing to pursue a career in the arts and cultural sector. Full details on how to access this fund can be viewed on the Creative and Cultural Skills website.
If you are an employer wishing to take advantage of this fund and start a young employee on a traineeship or an apprenticeship, do get in touch with me at At Hertford Regional College.
I can help with the sourcing and interviewing of applicants, we can train on day release, and I can assist with your funding application. Contact me directly. Opportunities are available throughout the academic year 2014-2015
For more information visit http://ccskills.org.uk/supporters/funding/details/the-creative-employment-programme
Opportunity Location
Hertford Regional College
Broxbourne Campus
EN10 6AE
Hertford Regional College
Scotts Road
Telephone: 01992 411 342
Email: lfoster@hrc.ac.uk
Website: http://ccskills.org.uk/supporters/funding/details/the-creative-employment-programme