Lil Cahill / Events / Wed 29 Jan to Wed 18 Mar 2020 (2 months)
Handmade Ceramic Pottery with Elizabeth Cahill- Day time

This course is ideal for people who would like to learn the process of ceramics and the many techniques of working with it in a relaxed friendly atmosphere. From concept to completion, you will learn the different techniques available to you and why you would choose one method over another to achieve the desired result, turning raw clay material into your own unique piece. You will also learn about the pottery workshop, what equipment you need and how to use it, essential health and safety and how to set up your own facilities in a shed, garage, workshop or spare room.
From complete beginners to those who are more experienced we at Potten Farm welcome all. Tea, coffee, fresh cake and biscuits are provided on the day and if you are joining us for our evening class then you can look forward to a glass or two of local wine or beer (but please bring your own chauffeur).
Each week you will learn about types of clay and a different process of making such as:
• coiling– building shapes from hand-rolled ‘snakes’ of clay
• slab-building – building shapes from rolled out ‘slabs’ of clay
• pinching – using hands to shape clay
• styles of surface decoration - from underglazes to texture and glaze application
Work will be fired and you will be able to learn about the glazing and firing process. You will be able to create your own finished pieces using any of the above techniques and the tutor will ensure that you know how to work safely in a workshop environment.
By the end of the course you will have a range of ceramic pieces of your own design and enough knowledge of how to make pottery independently if you wish to continue beyond the basic techniques.
Course dates
On Wednesday 11am to 1.30pm on the following dates:
• 29 January to 18 March 2020 (7 week course) £130.00 - please note there will be a break on the 12th February and therefore no workshop this week.
Course Tutor
Lil Cahill
All clay materials, tools and some glazes are provided
A small charge is made for clay used which covers the cost of glazes and firing
Booking deadlines
Bookings for all Creative Arts Short Courses will be reviewed 2 weeks before the start date of each course. This will allow the Short Course team to determine whether a course has met the minimum number of students needed for the class to run. If a class has failed to recruit, the class will be re-scheduled and applicants will be informed and offered an alternative class where relevant.
We therefore encourage you to book early before the deadline to avoid disappointment.
Bookings for all short courses are to be made online through the online booking system before a course commences or by contacted us directly. Students are therefore not permitted to enrol or attend a class on the day the course starts without prior arrangement.
If there is a day you cannot attend within the set course dates you may use the missed class against another future date provided that 3 days notice is given.
For more information visit
Event Location
Potten Farm
Potten Farm House, Chandlers Ln, Chandler's Cross, Rickmansworth WD3 4NQ
Telephone: 07884 498 948