Lifemusic / Events / Sat 17 Dec 2011
Lifemusic workshop with Rod Paton 'Celebrating'

Come and warm up your musical spirit with some creative music making based purely on improvisation. Facilitated 'games' opening the door to expressive yet structured music making; free from judgement, free from notation, but full of enrichment and soul. Get playful with a variety of 'instant access' instruments from around the world, bring your voice (yes, we all have one of those!), bring your instrument if you have one (or the one that has been tucked away for too long gathering dust!), but most importantly - bring your desire (and your right!) to make music.
About the Facilitator
Rod Paton is the founder of the government funded Lifemusic project and has over 30 years’ experience leading instrumental and vocal groups of all backgrounds and abilities. He has worked as a professional horn player, musical director, composer, teacher and music therapist. As a workshop leader he has run sessions all over Europe and in the USA. He is a senior lecturer in the music department at the University of Chichester where he teaches improvisation, composition, music therapy and community music.
Saturday 17th December 2011
11am - 4pm @ University of Chichester, Bishop Otter Campus, College Lane, Chichester, West Sussex. PO19 1HR
Cost: £40 (concessions available, discuss in full confidence)
Contact: Becky Paton 01243 576 056 or 07787 606108
Email: becks.paton@yahoo.com
For more information visit http://www.lifemusic.org/
Event Location
Chichester University
Bishop Otter Campus
College Lane
West Sussex
PO19 1HR
PO19 1HR
Telephone: 01243 576 056
Email: becks.paton@yahoo.com
Website: http://www.lifemusic.org/