Letchworth Settlement / Events / Thu 08 Jun 2017
Bunting for birthdays and bedrooms

Bunting for birthdays and bedrooms
Due to popular demand, the bunting workshop is here! Within just two hours, you will learn how to make and create your very own bespoke and personalised bunting design ready to hang. Sewing skills are not necessary, it is that simple. Some would say this is not possible, but it really is with the support of our wonderful and talented Tutor.
From the word LOVE to your child’s name, this is the perfect opportunity to make something homemade which can be displayed. Enjoy crafting and a slice of cake with Tracey!
The workshop runs from 7.15pm until 9.15pm and costs £20 which includes materials.
For more information visit http://www.lecthworthsettlement.org.uk/
Event Location
Letchworth Settlement
229 Nevells Road
Letchworth Garden City
Telephone: 01462 682 828
Email: info@letchworthworthsettlement.org.uk
Website: http://www.lecthworthsettlement.org.uk/