Icing animals and more
Thursday 13th July 7.15-9.15pm £20 including materials
This sugar craft workshop is for those who want to be taught how to make icing animals, perfect to top birthday cakes and cupcakes. From penguins, dogs, monkeys to birds, this workshop will guide you through.
Within two hours you will learn basic modelling and sugar craft techniques and how to effectively use colourings to create the perfect result.
Enjoy crafting and a slice of cake with Tracey!
For more information visit http://www.letchworthsettlement.org.uk/
Event Location
Letchworth Settlement
229 Nevells Road
Letchworh Garden City
Telephone: 01462 682 828
Email: info@letchworthworthsettlement.org.uk
Website: http://www.letchworthsettlement.org.uk/