Letchworth Centre / Events / Sat 23 May to Sat 20 Jun 2020 (1 month)
Online Yoga All Levels Saturdays

During this extraordinary period of virtual lockdown, Yoga can be a wonderful support for your continued wellbeing in every sense of its meaning.
We have, in the absence of face-to-face sessions, put together a model for delivering classes over the next few months which we hope you will find useful. Here it is:
Sessions will take place weekly.
They will be delivered by a very experienced teacher via Zoom, an interactive online platform.
For insurance purposes all Yoga tutors are required to contact you in advance before you can participate in an online Yoga class, please email fiona@letchworthcentre.org to let her know which classes you would like to attend.
Please be aware that the tutors will need to speak to you about any pre-existing health conditions you may have and it may preclude you from participating in some of the additional sessions.
For more information visit https://www.letchworthcentre.org/classes/yoga/
Event Location
Telephone: 01462 678 804
Email: classes@letchworthcentre.org
Website: https://www.letchworthcentre.org/classes/yoga/