Laurapakora Design / News / Tue 10 Jan 2012
The Sketchbook Project – work over Christmas…

A quick update on the Sketchbook Project – I will have to wrap this up and send it back by the end of the month, so I thought I would post the work I did over Christmas…
Have a look at my blog for more images: https://laurapakoradesign.wordpress.com/2012/01/10/the-sketchbook-project-work-over-christmas/
More doodles and sketches of prehistoric technology – the floppy discs in particular seem like they might make a good pattern. Might have a play with this over the weekend on the computer…
Hopefully I’ll get some time this week, and the weekend to have a bit more of a play with some of these ideas, and then it’ll be posted off back to the project by the end of the month!
For more information visit https://laurapakoradesign.wordpress.com/2012/01/10/the-sketchbook-project-work-over-christmas/