Laurapakora Design / News / Tue 11 Oct 2011
The Sketchbook Project – 2012 World Tour

I entered the Arthouse Co-op Sketchbook Project 2012 and this week, my sketchbook has arrived! I have to fill the sketchbook in whichever way I please – doodles, drawings, sketches, collages etc. and send back to the Arthouse Co-op by January 31st 2012.
The book is barcoded and will be scanned to be put on the website and taken on tour next year. My theme is “Prehistoric”. So for the next few months I will be weekly posting about the content of the sketchbook – the ideas I have had and the doodles I have made. Enjoy!
For more information visit https://laurapakoradesign.wordpress.com/2011/10/11/the-sketchbook-project-2012-world-tour/