Laurapakora Design / News / Fri 03 Sep 2010
New Work - Euro Pipe Cast iron Brochure

I finished this project a while ago, but it has taken a while to get a copy of the final printed version, and then a bit longer again to photograph it… However, here it is!
The brochure is for the new range of cast iron plumbing and piping used in big buildings, for Euro Pipe Services. As well as a catalogue of all the parts sold, it also had to have a little information about the product. The cast iron pieces come in two colours, maroon for above ground and grey for below ground, so I used these two colour as my main starting point.
To read more, please click on the link.
For more information visit http://laurapakoradesign.wordpress.com/2010/09/03/new-work-euro-pipe-cast-iron-brochure/