I know, I know, I have been terrible at keeping this up to date recently! I am working on a brand update for Laurapakora Design, which should be launched at the beginning of next week at the latest. I have also been working hard on a few different projects which I will blog about soon…
And I have been busy with the I heart logos competition! I have entered three different logos in the competition, 2 you will have seen before, and 1 new one (more about that one soon).
You’re too late to enter a logo now, but go along and vote, and have a look at all the amazing logos that have been submitted – I have been really impressed by the amount of amazing work on the site!
Voting ends on 30th September 2011, and the book ships not long after that – you can preorder here. You can also pick up Season one’s book too.
The winners are announced in October, and the new season starts again, so you can enter your own logos again then. Please go and have a look, this is a great competition, and there is lots of inspiring work there!
For more information visit http://www.iheartlogos.com/index.cfm
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Website: http://www.iheartlogos.com/index.cfm