Laurapakora Design / News / Wed 28 Mar 2012
DCUK Photography – Easter and Spring

It’s been a busy few months since Christmas at the Duck Company UK and we’ve been updating the website with all the new stock in from Indonesia…
I’ve been busy photographing all the new ducks and penguins, and I thought I’d share with you the final photos, a whole new range of flying ducks for your walls, as well as new pastel penguins, and we also have a few new personalised ducklings, specially made for Mother’s Day and Valentines Day (but still available!)
And finally some photos from a shoot last week, of some of the ducks, for a Spring/Easter email and advert.
You can find these ducks at the DCUK website: www.theduckcompany.co.uk and see more of my photography and work for DCUK at my website.
For more information visit http://laurapakoradesign.wordpress.com/2012/03/28/dcuk-photography-easter-and-spring/