I have been working with Devoncraft and ITQ9 over the last few months to design and build this new website for Daisy Memories. Daisy Memories and Daisy Coffins supply urns, biodegradable urns and natural eco-friendly wicker coffins.
Daisy Coffins have been going for some time now, but recently in the last year, Daisy Memories – the sister company of Daisy Coffins, have been selling urns – and the range of new materials has grown. They now sell wooden urns, ceramic urns and plinths, brass urns, silk scatter tube urns, biodegradable paper and leaf scatter tube urns, leather urns and memory stones.
We have set up a new website to sell these urns to the public. We tried to keep some of the branding similar to the Daisy Coffins, and the logo is very similar. We kept the pale green and the dark blue, and the daisy motifs, but toned down the pink, using it purely for the header text, and used a dark grey to help emphasise the urn photographs.
We wanted to maintain a friendly and respectful feel to the site, and show these elegant urns. We kept the colours fairly muted, to keep a calm feel to the site, and tried to make the photos of the urns the main thing that your eye is drawn to.
I took almost all of these photos in house – you can see them here on my flickr page. The website is still being tweaked to make it easy for customers to use, but is online here.
For more information visit http://daisymemories.com/
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Website: http://daisymemories.com/