Laura Dunmow / Events / Fri 02 to Sat 17 Mar 2018 (2 weeks)
Apple Tree Forum. Pop Up Gallery

A collective group of artists have come together to show their work in this exciting
and innovative Pop Up Gallery. The show covers an array of contemporary art,
glass sculptures and vessel work, sculptures, ceramics and hand pulled prints.
Kim Major-George, Laura Dunmow, Teresa Chlapowski, Paul Hillary, Caroline Evans, David Harris, Antonia Glynne Jones and Caroline Lumb will be present on
the 'come and meet the artists day' on the Saturday 3rd March.
The gallery will be open throughout the period of 3rd March till 17th.
Open Hours: Sat 10 - 4.30 - Sun 11- 4.
For more information visit http://www.fusionartsonline.co.uk/
Event Location
Apple Tree Forum Pop Up Gallery
The Breathing Space Building.
2, Thompson Close, Harpenden. Herts. AL5 4ES
Telephone: 07711 719 452
Email: ldunmow@btinternet.com
Website: http://www.fusionartsonline.co.uk/