Krafty Ladies / Events / Thu 02 to Thu 23 May 2019 (3 weeks)
4 Weeks x 4 Crafts Workshop

Each week you will learn a new craft, these taster sessions are based on learning a new skill and will produce some amazing items for you to continue to make and hopefully sell in the future.
Week 1- cardmaking using Lisa Folding Technique
Week 2 - painting onto a small box or bottle
Week 3 - how to use decoupage and decopatch for effect
Week 4 - Felt flower making
Why buy gifts for freinds and family when you can learn how to make a bespoke gift.
Each session will start at 6.30pm and finish at 8.30pm.
Each session will cost £6 per session as the workshops have been heavily subsidised by the centre and funding opportunities.
If you prepay for all 4 in advance this is reduced to £20 a saving of £4. please note for those not paying in full a deposit of £6 is required with the remainder being due on the first workshop.
Email kraftyladiescraft@gmail.com for payment details.
For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/CraftChatEdlington/
Event Location
Forteas/Edlington Hilltop Centre
Edlington Lane
DN12 1PL
Telephone: 07913 314 511
Email: kraftyladiescraft@gmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/CraftChatEdlington/