KoalaScrawwls / News / Fri 07 Jun 2013
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In as little as 15 - 20 years wild chimpanzees could be EXTINCT.......unless we ALL act NOW....
Chimpanzees once roamed in their millions across their native Equatorial Africa. But relentless poaching, logging, habitat destruction and human encroachment have reduced the wild population to less than an estimated 150,000 and they are critically endangered.
Poachers hunt ruthlessly, sparing none. Mothers are killed for bush meat, and orphaned babies that survive the ordeal are often sold beside their mother’s carcasses as pets, zoo animals, or circus performers, while some wind up in medical research, and are kept in appalling conditions.
~ 30 years young from Devon, England.... I have spent most most of my life working closely with animals, particularly training and rehabilitating young and 'problem' horses in various locations. Partly due to being a very high functioning autistic, I have a strong affinity with all animals. I currently work with small primates. I'm studying psychology, neuroscience, primatology and animal behaviour, and I am primarily dedicated to the conservation and rescue of Chimpanzees.
For more information visit http://fundraise.govoluntouring.com/campaign/1000036/