adapted by Patrick Barlow
from the novel by John Buchan
from the movie of Alfred Hitchcock
licensed by ITV Global Entertainment Limited
from an original concept by Simon Corble and Nobby Dimon
17th - 19th November Knebworth Village Hall, Tickets £8 (concessions £7)
Box Office Village News Station Road, Knebworth, 01438 814166 tickets@katsdrama.info
John Buchan’s famous story - possibly the first spy story ever written - first appeared in serial form in 1915 in Blackwood’s magazine. Patrick Barlow’s award-winning version is a pastiche of the well-known 1935 Alfred Hitchcock film starring Robert Donat and Madeleine Carroll. KATS have waited a long time to be allowed to bring it to the Knebworth stage and are delighted to be able to brighten up your November with it.
Set in the 1930s, it’s an adventure-thriller-comedy where some of the actors take on multiple parts, with lightning changes of costume, character and scene. Our dashing hero, Richard Hannay, is accused of a murder he didn’t commit, and has to avoid capture by the police and some very dangerous possible assassins in order to solve the mystery of the identity of the mysterious ‘39 Steps’ and save the country. He travels the length and breadth of Britain before the final showdown and the solution of the mystery.
The play is hilarious and, if rehearsals are anything to go by, will be enormous fun for both the audience and the cast. Directed by Viv Richardson, with a huge amount of assistance from props mistress Nita Gowans (wielding a huge number of props), the play stars Terry Grimwood (Richard Hannay), Lynsey Lennon (Annabella), Frances Farrugia (Crofter), Maisie Sayer (Margaret), Debra Wilkins (Pamela), Paul Hadden, Stephen Magona and Chris Simson (all playing parts too numerous to detail!).
We are terrifically grateful to Alex Wilkins for joining us to produce many and complex sound effects and to Graham Dormer for coming out of ‘retirement’ to create the complex lighting-design and effects. And to everyone who has made this production possible in any way.
Pictured l to r: Stephen Magona, Lynsey Lennon, Chris Simson, Debra Wilkins, Terry Grimwood, Paul Hadden, Maisie Sayer, Frances Farrugia
For more information visit http://www.katsdrama.info/
Event Location
Knebworth Village Hall
Knebworth Village Hall, Park Ln, Knebworth SG3 6PF
Telephone: 01438 814 166
Email: tickets@katsdrama.info
Website: http://www.katsdrama.info/