Kirklees Libraries / Events / Sun 09 Sep 2018
The Orielles at Huddersfield Library

The award winning library programme Get It Loud In Libraries has joined forces with Huddersfield Library to put on one of the cultural highlights of September with one of the most exciting and critically acclaimed new bands around: The Orielles. Hailing from nearby Halifax, The Orielles have gleaned rave reviews with their catchy rock pop indie tunes. The exclusive show is a Sunday matinee performance to attract all ages into the town.
Get It Loud In Libraries has delivered star music names into libraries since 2005, developing new audiences and creating opportunities in the arts for young people looking for experience of the music industry.
For more information visit http://getitloudinlibraries.com/
Event Location
Huddersfield Library
Huddersfield Library,
Princess Alexandra Walk,
Telephone: 01484 414 868
Website: http://getitloudinlibraries.com/