Kirklees Libraries / Events / Tue 28 Jul 2020
Library Adventures Live! with Matt Oldfield and Tom Palmer

Football crazy? Join Matt Oldfield and Tom Palmer at 11am on Tuesday 28th July for a fun, action-packed and exciting football-themed edition of Library Adventures Live!
Matt will be reading from his awesome new book 'Johnny Ball: Accidental Football Genius' and Tom will be entertaining us with extracts from his 'Football Academy' series.
They’ll be inviting children to get creative, in a session that will inspire teamwork, bouncing back, and achieving dreams.
Library Adventures Live! is a series of live events aimed at children 4-11. The events run every Tuesday at 11am, watch on Kirklees Libraries' Facebook and YouTube pages. Find out more about the upcoming events on kirkleeslibraries.co.uk/lal/
See you there!
For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/kirkleeslibraries/videos/582479989108480/
Event Location
Kirklees Libraries Facebook Page
The live video will start at 11am Tuesday 28th July. Watch live and join in on Kirklees Libraries Facebook and YouTube pages, or catch up in your own time.
Website: https://www.facebook.com/kirkleeslibraries/videos/582479989108480/