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Library Adventures Live! Conrad Burdekin and Dom Conlon
Log on, tune in and space out for this special poetry edition of Library Adventures Live! We’re super-excited to be welcoming entertaining local poet, writer and storyteller Conrad Burdekin plus the fantastic poet laureate to the moon, Dom Conlon. Together they’ll be talking about why they love poetry, performing some of their poems and showing you how easy it is to write your own poems.
About Dom Conlon:
Dom Conlon is a poet. Whether he’s talking on BBC Radio, interviewing creative people on stage, or running workshops for children, Dom’s approach to poetry is guided by the cosmos he loves. Dom has inspired children to look up to the stars and across to each other.
About This Rock, That Rock by Dom Conlon
“Words and pictures that are quite simply out of this world! I love this book!” — Chris Riddell
“Strap yourself in, set the rocket turbo-boosters to max, and prepare for lift-off. Dom Conlon & Viviane Schwarz’s This Rock, That Rock will take you on an exhilarating, out-of-this-world poetic journey to the moon and back. Along the way, you’ll explore not only the mysteries of space but those of the human heart, too, with this collection of 50 life-affirming poems that show us how nothing – not even the moon itself – lies beyond our reach.” — Brian Bilston
About Conrad Burdekin:
A fun, unique, and enthusiastic writer, storyteller and poet who inspires children up and down the country to want to write. A lover of books, lego and cricket and a proud Yorkshireman.
About Space Café by Conrad Burdekin
Space Café is Conrad’s fifth book of poems for children.
It is full of funny, wacky, and sometimes moving poems about a huge range of different topics, from chicken nuggets and how to remove a wobbly tooth, to what to do when you’re feeling sad.
For more information visit http://www.kirkleeslibraries.co.uk/burdekin-conlon/