Kirklees Libraries / Events / Tue 15 Sep 2020
Library Adventures Live! with Derek Keilty

Join Kirklees Libraries Live on their Facebook page at 11am on Tuesday 15th September for Library Adventures Live!
Why does it take pirates so long to learn the alphabet? Because they can spend years at C!
Ahoy me hearties and shiver your timbers! It’s almost Talk Like a Pirate Day so we’ve got a pirate-themed adventure on Library Adventures Live! We’re thrilled to welcome swashbuckler Derek Keilty, author of Flyntlock Bones: The Sceptre of the Pharaohs, one of the Times Top 20 Summer Reads. If you’ve any questions about being an author/illustrator (or pirate), send them in advance to lal@kirklees.gov.uk
About Flyntlock Bones:
Welcome to the Black Hound – a ship full o the cleverest pirate investigators ya ever set eyes upon. The captain pauses. You OK, lad? Ya gone paler than a full moon.
When Flynn applies for the job of cabin boy on the Black Hound, he doesn’t expect it to be a pirate ship! But soon he’s setting sail for the Seven Seas, on a perilous quest to recover ancient treasure bound by a magical curse.
About Derek Keilty:
Derek says he is Belfast’s hardest working children’s author. He began writing in 2000 as a new millennium resolution and hasn’t looked back. He has an excellent reputation for his thriving schools program, storytelling and creative writing workshops. He is married to Elaine (who is a Canadian) and has twin daughters, Sarah-Jane & Rebekah… oh and a retriever called ‘Lady’.
See you there mateys!
For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/kirkleeslibraries/videos/?ref=page_internal
Event Location
Kirklees Libraries Facebook Page
Watch live on Kirklees Libraries Facebook page or YouTube channel - the even will be available afterwards too.
Website: https://www.facebook.com/kirkleeslibraries/videos/?ref=page_internal