Kirklees Libraries / Events / Fri 25 May 2018
'I Don't Know What I'm Supposed To Be Doing' - Cleckheaton

'I Don't Know What I'm Supposed To Be Doing' - A one woman theatre performance
"I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing" was something Emma's Mum said repeatedly in the early days of her dementia. Over 10 years later, now her mother has died, Emma finds herself asking the same question.
Emma's Mum was a Librarian.
Emma is a Library Assistant.
Created especially for libraries, this new show by Emma Decent goes on a journey through time, mother-daughter love and re-evaluation.
A funny, moving, inspiring tale using poetry, theatre - and library books.
Showing as part of Dementia Awareness Week.
11 am - 12.30 am
Age recommendation: 16+
For more information visit https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/event/FGIIMK
Event Location
Cleckheaton Library
Whitcliffe Rd, Cleckheaton BD19 3DX
Telephone: 01484 414 868
Website: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/event/FGIIMK