Kirklees Libraries / Events / Sat 24 Aug 2019
Writing: Making Your Mark - A Celebration day

Huddersfield Library & Art Gallery
Sat 24th August 2019 10.00 am - 3.30 pm
A day of free family activities to celebrate our Writing: Making Your Mark exhibition.
10.00 am -12.00 noon: Book making on a space theme with Jean McEwan (drop-in).
11.00 am -1.00 pm: The Girl Geeks take writing into the future with 3D pens and drawing bots (drop-in).
10.00 am - 3.30 pm: Badge making (drop-in).
12.00 noon, 1.00 pm and 2.00 pm - Live music. Eleanor Cully performs Marks Made compositions from Dewsbury, Cleckheaton and Batley libraries.
1.15 pm - 3.30 pm: Create your own writing journal. A bookable workshop with Tasneem Kausar.
For more information visit https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/kirkleeslibraries/writing-making-your-mark-a-celebration-day/e-axoxqk
Event Location
Huddersfield Library
Princess Alexandra Walk
Telephone: 01484 414 868
Email: socialmedia.lics@kirklees.gov.uk
Website: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/kirkleeslibraries/writing-making-your-mark-a-celebration-day/e-axoxqk