Kirklees Libraries / Events / Sun 24 Mar 2019
Bodega at Huddersfield Library

A Kirklees Libraries and Get it Loud in Libraries presentation.
Acclaimed Brooklyn-based arts rock indie troupe Bodega bring their lit-friendly electro indie to the library.
Bodega are a Brooklyn art punk band under the influence of rock and roll, post punk, contemporary pop, hip-hop, kraut rock, and folk-derived narrative songwriting.
Their first full length album, 'Endless Scroll', was released on June 1 to critical acclaim and rapturous support from BBC 6 Music. (Stereoboard.com
This special matinee gig is open to all ages.
Tickets cost £12 and are only available from the link below.
For more information visit https://www.seetickets.com/event/bodega/huddersfield-library-huddersfield/1289603
Event Location
Huddersfield Library
Princess Alexandra Walk
Telephone: 01484 414 868
Email: frontlineservices@kirklees.gov.uk
Website: https://www.seetickets.com/event/bodega/huddersfield-library-huddersfield/1289603