Kirklees Libraries / Opportunities / Wed 27 Jan 2021
Birkby Fartown Library: Creative Engagement Consultation

A new library is being built in the Birkby and Fartown area of Huddersfield, due to open in late spring of 2021. There was a library on Wasp Nest Road from 2006 to 2018, however we had to move out of that premises to allow the Junior School to create much needed classroom space. We’ve been looking for a new home ever since and are excited that work has now started on building a brand new, purpose-built library on Lea Street, HD1 6HF.
We are now looking to engage the local community in a conversation about how they would like their new library building and service to develop. We would like to explore this using a programme of creative engagement, which would operate safely under COVID-19 precautions and restrictions.
For this purpose, Kirklees Libraries is seeking a highly imaginative local Artist(s) who can bring their own creative approach that reflects both their own interests and those of the community.
If you, or anyone you know, may be interested in this project, please download a brief here.
For more information visit http://www.kirkleeslibraries.co.uk/birkby-fartown-public-engagement/
Opportunity Location
Birkby Fartown Library
Lea Street
Birkby Fartown
Telephone: 01484 221 000
Email: frontline.services@kirklees.gov.uk
Website: http://www.kirkleeslibraries.co.uk/birkby-fartown-public-engagement/