KIRKLEES FILMMAKERS / News / Wed 20 May 2015
Please Vote for 'Film Factory in Kirklees

I hope that you can spare 1 minute of your time to please vote for us to be able to provide a FREE Film Factory Lab, based at The Batley Resource Centre that would give young people the opportunity to meet up and create wonderful short films and animation. Learning all about ‘Single Camera Directing’, editing, animation filmmaking, scriptwriting, film genres, lighting, sound and green rooms.
This FREE activity is a great opportunity for all young people to get involved in filmmaking during the six week holidays and to create a new short film in either documentary format or animation and we would welcome young people with disabilities and BMEs.
To vote please go to https://community-fund.aviva.co.uk/voting/project/view/2678/
And log in using your Facebook account to vote, it should only take you a minute of your time. Or if you prefer you can register via email and vote that way.
For more information visit http://www.kirkleesfilmmakers.org/
News Location
Kirklees Filmmakers
The Batley Resource Centre
90 Commercial Street
West Yorkshire
WF17 7PD
Telephone: 01924 326 336
Email: info@kirkleesfilmmakers.org
Website: http://www.kirkleesfilmmakers.org/