Kirklees Culture Declares / Events / Mon 09 to Sat 14 Mar 2020 (6 days)
Organisms of Failure - Exhibition Preview & Sound Installation

Hosted by Kirklees Culture Declares at the Pop-up Climate Emergency Hub
Organisms of Failure is an immersive exhibition by Music student, Elliot Buchanan. This installation will preview exciting new work programmed for public exhibition later this Spring. It explores how ecological sound art can act as a rhetoric for climate action.
The exhibition will feature video projection, sound, light and kinetic installations that encourage audience interaction. This provokes thought about the inextricable nature of their relationship with the environment and the impact they have on their surroundings.
Free entry All Welcome
For more information visit https://elliotjbuchanan.wixsite.com/organismsoffailure
Event Location
Pop-up Climate Emergency Hub
The Piazza
Opposite Huddersfield Library
Princess Alexandra Walk
Telephone: 07534 116 627
Email: kirkleesdeclares@posteo.net
Website: https://elliotjbuchanan.wixsite.com/organismsoffailure