Kirklees Culture Declares / Events / Mon 09 to Sat 14 Mar 2020 (6 days)
Climate Museum UK - Activities

Our pop-up Climate Emergency Hub will offer a set of interactive games, activities, and art materials from Climate Museum UK. Some might assume that museums are stores of past things and about stories of past times, inappropriate for climate change as a story of now and future. But museums can be vitally alive places, where questions and meanings are debated, past interpretations challenged, connections are made, people are transformed and solutions are found. A museum is a place to muse.
FREE Event. Open 10am - 5pm. All Welcome. @KDeclares @ClimateMuseumUK
Climate Museum UK is a mobile and participatory programme of conversational activities, diverse voices and creativity, first and foremost. It will explore a wide range of themes beyond climate science, focusing on the lived experience and social dimensions of climate change and planetary boundaries
For more information visit https://climatemuseumuk.org/public/
Event Location
Pop-Up Climate Emergency Hub
The Piazza
Opposite Huddersfield Library,
Princess Alexandra Walk,
Telephone: 07534 116 627
Email: kirkleesdeclares@posteo.org
Website: https://climatemuseumuk.org/public/