Kirklees Concert Season / Events / Wed 15 Sep 2021
Lunchtime Chamber Concert: The Cafe Band

Part of the Kirklees Concert Season 2021/22
Inspired by the enchanting street bands in St Mark’s Square, Venice, viola player Liz Wyly
formed the Café Band in 1996 with friends from the Orchestra of Opera North.
Bringing old and new favourites to a wider audience in a relaxed and light-hearted
setting, the seven-piece group is headed up by Leader of the Orchestra David Greed,
with strings, clarinet, piano and accordion performing an eclectic fusion of music,
ranging from folk and waltzes to classical, film soundtracks and the American Song Book.
TIME: 12:30pm
BOOK FOR THIS CONCERT HERE: www.bit.ly/Chamber15Sept
Dewsbury Lunchtime Concerts: Tickets: £5 (Booking fee may apply)
Save money and book a subscription package (all 7 concerts available for £26.25) by calling Kirklees Town Halls Box Office on 01484 225755.
Competitively priced pre-concert light lunches are available from 11.30am in the Main Hall
HOW TO BOOK for the Kirklees Concert Season:
Kirklees Town Halls Box Office
Phone: 01484 225755
Online: www.kirkleestownhalls.co.uk
In person: Holmfirth Visitor Information Centre; Huddersfield Visitor Information Centre & Dewsbury Box Office
Opera North Box Office
Phone: 0113 223 3600
Online: www.operanorth.co.uk
In person: Check www.operanorth.co.uk/contact-us
BROCHURE - Our handy brochure of ‘what’s on’ can be found here:
To request a large print, braille or audio copy of the brochure, please contact Opera North on 0113 223 3600.
For more information visit https://www.kirklees.gov.uk/beta/town-halls/concert-season.aspx
Event Location
Dewsbury Town Hall
Wakefield Old Road
WF12 8DG
Telephone: 01484 225 755
Website: https://www.kirklees.gov.uk/beta/town-halls/concert-season.aspx