Kirklees Concert Season / Events / Mon 23 Nov 2020
Organ Concert Online: Gordon Stewart 23 November, 1pm

Gordon Stewart's online organ concert on 23 November brings you a world premier performance. Towards the end of his life Noel Rawsthorne was writing a partita based on the chorale Ein’ feste Burg dedicated to Gordon Stewart. Following his death his widow sent the movements which had been completed to Gordon Stewart. Sadly the final movement was incomplete, so Gordon commissioned the organist, pianist and composer Ben Comeau to write the proposed Fugue and Toccata.
Buxtehude - Toccata in F
Bach - Prelude in Nun freut euch
Rawsthorne - Partita on Ein’ feste Burg (world premier)
Carter - Aria
Harold Britton - Variations on I got Rhythm
The project, funded by Kirklees Council’s Concert Series in partnership with the Lawrence Batley Theatre (LBT) and The University of Huddersfield, uses Facebook and Youtube to broadcast the popular lunchtime concerts to anyone, anywhere in the world, pleasing existing and creating new and wider audiences.
You will be able to watch the concerts at 1pm on the day by visiting either the LBT YouTube or Facebook pages. If you can’t tune in at 1pm on the day you’ll be able to download the concert at any time to suit you via the LBT YouTube channel youtube.com/user/TheLBTHuddersfield.
For more information on the series go to the website below
The concerts are free but there is an online option to ‘pay as you feel’ for anyone who wishes to support the Organ Concert series by making a donation. You can make a donation at https://tickets.kirklees.gov.uk/en-GB/donations/organ%20concert%20season
For more information visit https://www.thelbt.org/whats-on/organ-concert-season-online/
Event Location
Website: https://www.thelbt.org/whats-on/organ-concert-season-online/