Kirklees Concert Season / News / Tue 25 Feb 2020
Kirklees Concert Season - Sponsorship/Donations

We are delighted to say that the Kirklees Concert Season will return again in September and would like to take this opportunity to offer you the chance to be involved in your community by sponsoring a lunchtime organ concert and helping to keep music at the heart of Kirklees.
You can sponsor a concert of your choice within the forthcoming season for £500 - you can sponsor as an individual or join together with a friend or small group.
If you are not interested in sponsoring a concert but would like to support the Kirklees Concert Season , why not leave a donation in one of the donation boxes provided at Huddersfield and Dewsbury Town Halls or sign up to a regular or one-off donation (please see link below)
Please note all donations, whether made direct to Kirklees Council through the donations boxes or to Opera North via the regular donation scheme, will go directly to the Kirklees Concert Season and help keep music at the heart of Kirklees.
For more information, please contact the Arts & Creative Development Team in Kirklees Council at the contact details below.
For more information visit http://www.operanorth.co.uk/support-us/donate/kirklees
News Location
Telephone: 01484 221 000
Email: arts.creativity@kirklees.gov.uk
Website: http://www.operanorth.co.uk/support-us/donate/kirklees