Kirklees Comms Team / Opportunities / Mon 02 Apr 2018
Love Food - Hate Waste Video

We are looking for a video production company to help us produce some social media content around reducing food waste.
We are currently working with Sainsbury’s on a number of initiatives to reduce the amount of food thrown away in Kirklees each year.
As part of this project we are offering a series of workshops to community groups where they will get advice and tips on how to make the most of the food they buy.
We need an innovative video producer to film one of these workshops and create a range of clips that will stand alone on our social media channels so that anyone can learn about food waste reduction from the comfort of their own home.
We have a budget of £1500 and for that we would like a series of short clips covering the main topics and providing useful hints and tip.
The clips should be interesting and engaging so we are looking for creative editing to bring them to life.
As part of any agreement the council will also require the full raw footage to be provided so we can edit at a later date if necessary.
How to submit an expression of interest
If this is something that you would be interested in taking part in please submit:
• A proposal or story board/boards detailing the approach you would take, including titles, animation/effects, and sound/music
• An example of a similar project you have completed
• A breakdown of costs
We need to receive your proposal by 2 April 2018
There are three workshops – planning, food storage and portion sizes.
For the purposes of filming we will arrange for the facilitator to deliver a condensed version that covers all three topics over 2.5 hours – the format is usually:
1. An introduction
2. Setting a baseline of how well people think they already understand the areas that will be covered during the session. Eg how confident do people feel about understanding labels in supermarkets.
3. Teaching core content on each theme: for example the planning workshop would cover how to plan meals, tips for shopping preparation – shopping lists, checking cupboards, meals made from leftovers.
4. This section will take the form of discussion within the group focussed around:
Handouts / worksheets
Items that are given to each participant to take home and use – e.g. meal planner
5. A practical cooking element. Each person will participate in making a dish – e.g. a pasta bake, a pudding or buns that help develop cooking skills and demonstrate what to do with ingredients that might otherwise go to waste.
6. Time for evaluation / feedback
Filming will need take place in April, with edited videos completed by 4 May 2018.
If you are interested please submit your proposal by email to susie.richmond@kirklees.gov.uk by 2 April 2018
Opportunity Location
Telephone: 01484 221 000
Email: susie.richmond@kirklees.gov.uk