Business Hub Kirklees / Opportunities / Tue 30 Jun 2015
Graphic Designers – Opportunities with the Kirklees Business Hub

Whether you're starting out, wanting to grow or just want to shout about how great your products and services are - the Kirklees Business Hub is the place to do it.
The Hub will be a business directory and one-stop-shop for news, events and opportunities – and we are looking for creative businesses to join us. Any Kirklees business can register an early interest via our holding page at http://www.kirkleesbusinesshub.com/
If you are a graphic design business we are particularly keen to hear from you – we need designers to work with our new members to help them create their Hub profiles. In exchange we can offer free advertising that will raise the profile of your business. For more information please contact Business.Hub@kirklees.gov.uk
Opportunity Location
Email: business.hub@kirklees.gov.uk