Kinky & Quirky / News / Tue 17 Jun 2014
Mr B, The Gentleman Rhymer comes to Torquay

Listed as one of THE things to do at Glastonbury, Mr B's 2014 is getting bigger and bigger.
Propelled into the mainstream media after Michael Gove commented that he was his favourite rapper, Mr B, The Gentleman Rhymer and Chap-Hop King came back with an appearance on Newsnight that certainly seemed to delight Jeremy Paxman http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01wdg40
But here at K&Q we first presented Mr B to our audience in 2010 and everytime he comes back he makes new fans so we're super excited to have him back for our show on July 5th.
Also ...want to know a (not so) little secret?
Mr B was once a member of Collapsed Lung, the band who stormed the football world with EAT MY GOAL - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4B7YqkzW7Ck
Perfect then to have him back with us during the World Cup...............!
We have tickets for £10 and £25 - don't miss out! x
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