Kinky & Quirky / Events / Sat 27 Sep 2008
Kinky & Quirky presents Burlesque Burlesque Burlesque

Devon's burlesque funsters Kinky & Quirky present a monthly night of burlesque fun at Tigga's Bar & Lounge, Magdalen Street, Exeter!!
With the performances kicking off at around 8.30 expect comedy, silliness and suprises. This Saturday Live music from Jazzeoke Queen Becky Brine and burlesque performances from the gorgeous Naughty Toes & Muffin Tops burlesque troupe - 5 cheeky and cheesecake cute gals whose routines always leave the crowd reeling!!!
Dress to impress - think retro glamour and anything goes extravagances!!
Tickets £5.00 in advance - from K & Q or the venue - £6.00 on the door on the night.
For more information visit http://www.myspace.com/kinkyandquirky