Kinky & Quirky / News / Wed 17 Apr 2013
Call for vintage & retro inspired artists, makers & sellers

We are putting the finishing touches to a truly fab event that we are putting on in November - the date is Saturday November 30th 2013. It will be here in Torquay at the Riviera Centre and will consist of a showcase of South Devon's vintage scenes and will be a vintage, retro, arts, crafts, shopping emporium during the day, followed by a full K&Q 1,400 seater theatre show, followed by a ball!
All under one roof.
We want the day time event to offer fabulous vintage & retro inspired clothes,
accessories and homewares, inventive and affordable arts & crafts, photo
booths, beauty parlours, music and a real celebration of both our local
independent creatives and those from a little further afield. This is where
you guys come in!
Our ethos is simple, we are looking for unique, quality artists & vendors who are
passionate about what they do and have great wares to sell. We want a cross
section of lively products to appeal to a cross section of people - our
audiences over the last 6 years come from different walks of life, some of
them have been involved in 'scenes' for years, some of them have only just
discovered their own scene, some of them are into arts, design, music and
general iconic pop culture but they all have one thing in common, they like
The stalls will be inexpensive and we are happy for makers to club together on stalls if they feel they are better as a collective.
Please email us asap to find out more info and so we can send you out a form
Look forward to hearing from you.
For more information visit http://www.kinkyandquirky.com/
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Website: http://www.kinkyandquirky.com/