Friday, 10th July. Concert of popular music and rich sounds featuring Kings Langley Community Choir and the Chinnor Silver Band. Starts 8:00pm.
Tickets: Adults £10, U14's £5, including interval refreshments, from www.ticketsource.co.uk/kings-langley-community-choir, Signature Estates, High Street, Abbots Langley, and on the door.
Part of the Abbots Langley Festival.
In support of Electric Umbrella. (https://www.electricumbrella.co.uk/)
For more information visit http://www.kingslangleychoir.co.uk/
Event Location
St Lawrence Church
High Street,
Abbots Langley
Telephone: 07812 974 392
Email: lawrenceparnell@btinternet.com
Website: http://www.kingslangleychoir.co.uk/