Kings Langley Community Choir Kings Langley Community Choir
Founded in 2008, Kings Langley Community Choir is an a cappella choir which has forged a reputation for music that appeals to all ages. From pop to folk, blues to soul, and international to traditional - all performed with rich, layered harmonies.
In addition to local performances the choir has also entertained in national venues such as the Royal Festival Hall, the Cadogan Hall, the Palace of Westminster, and The Roundhouse.
Membership is open to all - currently around sixty - with no audition required nor prior musical experience. The choir meets on Tuesday evenings - 7:30 to 9:00pm - during term time at the Steiner School, Love Lane, Kings Langley.
For more information visit www.kingslangleychoir.co.uk or call Pat Waterton on 07714 701316.
Musical Director: Katie Teage
Hon. Patron: Rt.Hon. Sir Mike Penning MP
View my website http://www.kingslangleychoir.co.uk/
My Location
Steiner School
Love Lane,
Kings Langley,
Telephone: 07812 974 392
Email: lawrenceparnell@btinternet.com
Website: http://www.kingslangleychoir.co.uk/
My Events
Sing & Swing / Fri 10 Jul 2020
Friday, 10th July. Concert of popular music and rich sounds featuring Kings Langley Community Choir and the Chinnor Silver Band. Starts 8:00pm. Tic...
Kings Langley Carnival / Sat 20 Jun 2020
Carnival Stage.
Rickmansworth Canal Festival / Sun 17 May 2020
Main Stage. Music for all ages.
My Videos
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
Kings Langley Community Choir version of Queen's 'Crazy Little Thing Called Love'.