Kevin Alexander / News / Mon 25 Oct 2010
Tandem Parachute Jump

On Saturday I jumped out of an aeroplane! It was a birthday present and a chance to raise some money for a chosen charity. I chose the Prostate Cancer Charity as a number of people (both family and friends) have died due to this version of cancer. Anyway, the experience was amazing - if you've never done it, then I can highly recommend it. I was grinning the whole way down - it really was a blast!
Thanks to those that organised it for me (Helen and Anne-Marie), thanks to those who turned up on the day to watch me descend from around 2 3/4 miles up in the sky and thanks to those that sponsored me - we raised £300 for the charity. Finally, thanks to Andy at SkyDiveUk for the use of his parachute and Paul for the pics.
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