Kents Cavern Prehistory Caves / Events / Mon 20 Feb 2012
Art Sketching Evening in Kents Cavern

Where: Kents Cavern, Torquay
When: Monday 20th February 2012
How much: £25 per person (including dinner)
The programme:
• 5:30 Arrival
• 5.45 Sketching demonstration with Mike McDonald
• 6:30 Sketching Time in the Caves
• 8.00 All You Can Eat Supper
• 9.30 Finishing sketches
Suggestions for equipment needed are –
• An easily portable sketching pad or pads. Smooth drawing paper would be an ideal surface.
• Small selection of watercolour tubes or pans. Suggested colours – Light Red, Permanent Rose, French Ultramarine, Phthalo Blue, Raw Sienna, Idigo and Rowney Lemon Yellow or Winsor & Newton’s Winsor Lemon. Please bring your favourite sketching colours too, if I haven’t included them in my list.
• A lightweight mixing palette
• 2B and 4B drawing pencils
• Waterproof black or sepia drawing pens
• Nos 2, 6, and 10 round brushes. 3/4 inch flat brush. Again, please bring your favourite weapons of war if I haven’t included them!
• A bag or pack to carry it all in. The whole lot should be easily portable.
• A small camping stool or chair
• A head-torch or something similar
• Suitable clothing. The temperature in the Caves is around 15 degrees C , even on a warm night.
Kents Cavern, 89/91 Ilsham Road, Torquay, TQ1 2JF
To buy tickets online, click on the link below
For more information visit