Kelly Pedlar / Events / Fri 16 Mar 2018
Clay Day 2018 - Life Drawing Happenings figure sculpture session

It's that time of year! Clay Day is coming....
16th March 2018
@ our Hemel venue, Leverstock Green Village Hall.
If you haven't been before, we have our Life Model in the same pose for the whole session, enabling us to create a clay sculpture from all around the room.
There's a brief intro to clay before we start, so don't worry if you haven't used clay since school!
Coffee and a bit of tuition flowing throughout the day, with a chance to look at our creations before we head home happy.
All work kiln fired and returned to you at a future session.
(It usually takes a couple of weeks to get them all dried and fired)
Bring a sketchbook if you'd like to make a few sketches along the way too. Clay day is a lovely addition to life drawing, it really helps your future drawings too!
Session costs £25 including clay & firing - please do RSVP if you'd like to come along, either by email (RSVP below) or via our Meetup group.
Everyone welcome as always, hope you can make it x
More information over on the website
Don't forget to check out your drawings over on our Facebook page after the session!
For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/pg/lifedrawinghappenings/events/?ref=page_internal
Event Location
Leverstock Green Village Hall
Leverstock Green Village Hall
Hemel Hempstead
Email: kelly@lifedrawinghappenings.co.uk
Website: https://www.facebook.com/pg/lifedrawinghappenings/events/?ref=page_internal