Kate Thornton Design / Events / Thu 12 to Sun 15 Nov 2020 (4 days)
Makers at the Mill

Makers at the Mill
Virtual Winter Fair
12th - 15th November 2020
A real life makers fair brought to you online via Instagram and Facebook from Bates Mill in Huddersfield.
How it works:
This years four local contributors will set up a stand with their work and bring you content through their social media channels. To make sure you don't miss a thing on Instagram follow: #makersatthemill
The Makers:
Jo Blaker
Kate Thornton Design
Pocket Clothing
Rachel Sim Print
There is also an event on facebook here https://fb.me/e/2SWw9ylVS
For more information visit https://makersatthemill.wixsite.com/makersatthemill
Event Location
Bates Mill, Huddersfield
Email: info@katethorntondesign.com
Website: https://makersatthemill.wixsite.com/makersatthemill