Bucks Mills Cabin will be open to the public from 11am until 4pm on Friday, 4 June.
This event is part of the 13th Appledore Arts Festival.
Entry is free and no tickets are needed. For all enquiries email info@appledorearts.org, or tel 07900 212 747.
Kate Paxman was commissioned to be artist-in-residence at Bucks Mills Cabin during the first 2 weeks of May 2010. From the 1920s until 1971 the Cabin was used as a studio and summer residence by artists Judith Ackland and Mary Stella Edwards. The interior and contents remain almost as they left it nearly 40 years ago. Kate will be at the Cabin on 4 June 2010 to show the work produced during her residency.
For more information visit http://www.appledorearts.org/
Event Location
Website: http://www.appledorearts.org/