Kat Rogers / Events / Thu 14 to Sat 16 Sep 2017 (3 days)
The House, a comedy by Brian Parks

KatAlyst Productions brings this comedy verging on farce, by Brian Parks to The Maltings Theatre in St Albans this September. Set in America modern day, The House is a comedy about one couple who are selling their beloved house, and another couple who want to buy. Sounds easy right? But what happens when the new owners start talking about their wonderful plans for the property….and the old owners just won’t let go! Last year The House played to packed houses and got 5 * reviews when the London premier took place at The So & So Arts Club.
“Between Brian Parks’ writing, Keith Myers’ direction and the cast’s perfect comic timing, The House is a gem of play that deserves to be widely seen” Female Arts 5*****
Tickets £12/£11
Running time 85 minutes (no interval)
For more information visit http://www.maltingsartstheatre.co.uk/event/the-house/
Event Location
The Maltings Theatre
The Maltings Arts Theatre
Level 2,
26, The Maltings
St Albans
Telephone: 07807 521 436
Email: info@ovotheatre.org.uk
Website: http://www.maltingsartstheatre.co.uk/event/the-house/