Kat Rogers / Opportunities / Mon 03 Jun 2013
Auditions for Our House, The Madness Musical

Hi, I am directing and looking to cast a production of "Our House" for Potters Bar Theatre Company which will be on in November 2013 at The Wylliotts Centre, Potters Bar. Young, enthusiastic dancers/singers/actors required. Please contact mail@pottersbartheatrecompany.co.uk for more information. Please note this is an amateur production, membership required, auditions in June, and rehearing July, Sept, October and November every Tuesday and Friday evening.
Kat Rogers
For more information visit http://www.pottersbartheatrecompany.co.uk/
Opportunity Location
Potters Bar
Email: mail@pottersbartheatrecompany.co.uk
Website: http://www.pottersbartheatrecompany.co.uk/