Karen Lorenz / Events / Sat 10 Nov 2012
Life Drawing Workshop

A one day workshop exploring the human figure through a wide range of traditional and experimental drawing techniques. Taught by experienced artist Eve VanZyl and Karen Lorenz.
Saturday 10th November 2012 from 10.30am till 4.30pm
£40.00 (inclusive costs for model)
The workshop is suited to students who are new to life drawing, and more advanced students who want to develop their practical skills in drawing the human figure from observation.
We will start the day with the 'traditional' approach to the human figure by focusing on proportion, structure, perspective, and some basic anatomy. The first part of the session aims to bring these various aspects together, and to understand the dynamic relationship between individual parts and the entire body.
In the second part of the session we will be focusing on the experimental and expressive side of the drawing process. We will be working with different media and processes, which will help us to uncover facets of our own individual responses to the 'model' and the 'mood' of a particular pose, as well as developing our very own 'handwriting' and 'drawing style'.
The Harbour House is equipped with easels, boards and other studio furniture. Please bring charcoal sticks, pencils, putty rubber, black ink, one stick of white oil pastel (neopastel recommended), round brush size 10, masking tape.
There is a cafe at Harbour House where you can purchase food and drink, but you are welcome to bring your own packed lunch.
For more information visit http://www.harbourhouse.org.uk/
Event Location
Harbour House Kingsbridge
The Promenade
Telephone: 07817 398 801
Email: kjlorenz65@gmail.com
Website: http://www.harbourhouse.org.uk/