Julie Ann's Gallery

Julie Ann's Gallery Julie Wrathall / Julie Ann

Visual artist, specialising in Encaustic Wax art, sharing skills, and helping people become creative…!

Large art studio in Bourne End, where I run workshops in spring and autumn, or check out my online courses, 'Painting with an Iron' is the first one http://arty-heaven.teachable.com/p/painting-with-an-iron-with-encaustic-wax/?preview=logged_out , with more to follow soon.

I hold stock of Arts Encaustic Waxes, R&F Encaustic Gesso, Medium, Starter Kits, R&F Waxes and Pigment Sticks. Ampersand Encaustic Board and PanPastels also available.

Original Artwork, Seascapes, Landscapes, Fine Art and Mixed Media…

I have two studio open days every month, where you can drop in to find out more, or buy artwork and supplies, normally the first Wednesday and third Saturday of the month, 10am - 3pm.

Encaustic art is pure therapy, fluid, tactile, and unlike other art mediums I have experienced.

Check out my www.julieannsgallery.co.uk website for more information.

Feel free to get in touch with any questions.

View my website http://www.julieannsgallery.co.uk/

My Location

The Stables Studios

Studio 4
Pouchen End Lane
Bourne End
Hemel Hempstead

Telephone: 07976 700 737
Email: julie@julieannsgallery.co.uk
Website: http://www.julieannsgallery.co.uk/

Profile Details


Artist, Visual Arts

My Opportunities

25% off encaustic wax online course / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2016-12-31T00:00:00Z">Sat 31 Dec 2016</span>25% off encaustic wax online course / Sat 31 Dec 2016

25% off online course until end December. Learn how to 'Paint with an Iron' using beeswax / encaustic art.
