Julian Wathen / Events / Mon 07 to Sat 12 Oct 2013 (6 days)
Harpenden Light Operatic Society present The Sound of Music

For those who don't know the plot for this most famous Rodgers & Hammerstein
Maria, a novice in a strict Salzburg Abbey, loves the majestic landscape of the Alps and often forgets about religious duties hiking on "her" hills. Mother Abbess, a very wise woman, thinks Maria might be better suited for life outside the convent and decides to send her to Captain von Trapp's villa to act as a governess for his seven children.
Upon arriving at the villa, Maria is surprised at the military discipline in which the children are held by their father, a noble and widowed naval officer. She discovers she is the latest of many governesses that the children have already driven away. Maria takes a different approach to the children. Instead of educating them, she introduces music to their lives, teaching them how to sing and play and laugh - and so, is rewarded with the children's sympathy and love.
A puppet show, staged by the children of their father, is the first step towards a blooming love between Maria and the Baron. Only a few days later, however, the Captain presents Baroness Schroeder as his fiancée
to his children. During a ball, the Captain and Maria stage a folklore dance for the audience and - while dancing - discover their feelings. Baroness Schroeder encourages Maria to leave the Trapp Villa at once. She flees to the convent.
The children soon feel Maria's loss and think about ways to make her come back, while the captain decides to marry Baroness Schroeder. Maria, back in the convent, confesses her love for the Captain and wise Mother Abbess makes her "Climb evr'y mountain" for her love. She hurries back to the Trapp Villa only to find the Captain set on the marriage. The Baroness, however, recognises the true love between the Captain and Maria and leaves. Accompanied by seven children, Maria marries the man she loves in the Abbey where she had wanted to become a nun.
Fate strikes. When they return from their honeymoon, the Nazis have already occupied Austria. The captain plans to escape from forced naval service and sees his opportunity: The whole family takes part in a chorus festival at the Salzburg Festival Hall. Here is where the captain sings his "Edelweiss", a contribution to his beloved country-hours before leaving it forever. The von Trapps make a dramatic escape after hiding in the Abbey cemetery.
The final scene sees the Trapp family climbing the Alps to safely reach Italy - the dawn, symbolizing their new life ahead.
For this production, we are delighted to welcome Katharine Barry as director along with Les Arnold as Musical Director. Click here for audition details.
As a perennial favourite, tickets for this show will sell fast, so book your tickets early. Tickets will be on sale from July 2013.
For more information visit http://www.harpenden-operatic.co.uk/book-tickets.html
Event Location
Harpenden Public Halls
Telephone: 07817 331 150
Email: hlostickets@live.co.uk
Website: http://www.harpenden-operatic.co.uk/book-tickets.html