Julia Finzel Photography / Images
Brixham Fishermen The Naked Truth Calendar 2011

'BRIXHAM FISHERMEN THE NAKED TRUTH' Calendar 2011 £9.99 each.
Available at many outlets in Brixham.
Telephone orders available through JULIA FINZEL. 01803 850477
Minimum Order 3 Calendars ~ Post and Packing £4.95
For smaller or larger Orders contact Mrs Ki Barnes, c/o Brixham Town Council Office,
Town hall, New Rd, Brixham, TQ5 8TA 01803 859678
FISH was set up in 2007 to raise money for a statue to celebrate the fishing heritage of Brixham,
Brixham is known as the mother port of trawling and has links with many fishing ports around the world.
Tales of heroism and loss are many, from wrecks to miraculous rescues in great storms. Fishing continues
to be at the heart of this historic harbour town. By purchasing this calendar you help erect a statue in honor
of the fishermen, those of whom were lost or buried at sea. The three meter bronze statue will be based on
an etching by Arthur Briscoe, who drew fishermen at sea in the early 1900's, and will be sculpted by
Elisabeth Hadley of Brixham. To follow the rise of the statue, find Fish Storm on Facebook or
on Virgin Giving. Registered Charity Number: 1135142