Jonny Croose Busker, writer, performer, musician & arts academic.
I am a busker, theatre writer, performer, musician, teacher and academic with a 20-year record working in community arts, festival, street theatre, music, Theatre and Drama in Education, youth and community work.
I have an MA in Cultural Performance from Bristol University in association with Welfare State International and a PhD from the University of Exeter in Cultural Geography / Performance Studies, entitled: The Practices of Carnival, Community, Culture and Place. Oooh, Get me!
I have loads of practical experience as a performer, workshop leader and facilitator. I have worked in Forum Theatre and role-play, in prisons, with special needs communities and in theatre for development. (I'm just showing off now!)
My arts career has involved creative collaborations in arts participation, site-specificity, community theatre, intergenerational performance, outdoor festival and processional crafts. My work as a playwright, street performer, musician, stage manager, deviser and theatre-maker has consistently engaged with social processes of community creativity in order to support grassroots arts production.
I also play music in the street, wear silly hats and have been stage manager for the Blazing Saddle and Summerhouse Outdoor Theatre stages at Glastonbury for 13 years now.
You can check out my music at www.reverbnation.com/joncroose
You can reach me at jon@means-of-production.co.uk
Please do get in touch if you are cooking up a plan, need arts consultancy or want to stir things up a bit.
View my website http://www.means-of-production.co.uk/
My Location
Rear Flat
36, Vicarage Rd
Telephone: 07931 552 778
Email: jon@means-of-production.co.uk
Website: http://www.means-of-production.co.uk/
My News
Looking for musicians / Sat 17 May 2014
I'm looking to put a new band together to arrange, gig and record some of my original alt-country-folk songs, plus a few choice covers. Seeking double...